

UI Editor.rar


'프로그램' 카테고리의 다른 글

sELedit  (0) 2021.01.24
AipolicyEditor All version by Rey35  (0) 2021.01.24
Rody's Angelica Editor  (0) 2021.01.24
PWAdmin Free 5.2  (0) 2021.01.24
sNPCedit  (0) 2021.01.08



'host' => 'localhost',        // 호스트 (기본)
'user' => 'xxx',              // 계정 아이디
'pass' => '12345',         // 비밀번호
'name' => 'dbo',         // SQL DB 명
'gold' => '0',            // 골드 설정


$Salt = "0x".md5($Login.$Pass); // 비밀번호 특수문자 제거




'문서' 카테고리의 다른 글

gs_is62_err.log (Origination)  (0) 2021.02.14
펫 가방 20개 추가하기  (0) 2021.02.05
길드 마크 변경  (0) 2021.01.24
Arcane Sky Boundary 변경 (Shifting SkyX)  (0) 2021.01.19
렙 제한 변경하기  (0) 2021.01.09



Rody's Elements Editor (RAE): Editor for PW, FW, JD, ESO, SW

Rody's Angelica Editor is a professional tools package for a game server creating. It supports Perfect World, Forsaken World, Jade Dynasty, Swordsman, ESO,HoTK.




'프로그램' 카테고리의 다른 글

AipolicyEditor All version by Rey35  (0) 2021.01.24
UIEdit  (0) 2021.01.24
PWAdmin Free 5.2  (0) 2021.01.24
sNPCedit  (0) 2021.01.08
XnView 한글판 최신버전 2.49.4  (0) 2021.01.03




Soft and scripts for game developers

Free version PWAdmin with limited functionality Current version: 5.2




실행 명령어


cd /home/계정/Core/Wanmei2015/pwadmin
chmod -R 0700 pwadmin *
./pwadmin start


'프로그램' 카테고리의 다른 글

UIEdit  (0) 2021.01.24
Rody's Angelica Editor  (0) 2021.01.24
sNPCedit  (0) 2021.01.08
XnView 한글판 최신버전 2.49.4  (0) 2021.01.03
GM 콘솔 모드  (0) 2021.01.03






105를 150으로 변경


'문서' 카테고리의 다른 글

길드 마크 변경  (0) 2021.01.24
Arcane Sky Boundary 변경 (Shifting SkyX)  (0) 2021.01.19
Map ID Perfect World 1.1.6 to 1.6.0  (0) 2021.01.09
케릭터 삭제 스킬  (0) 2021.01.09
정령 150 만렙 (150/150)  (0) 2021.01.09

gs01/world/1 - "Perfect World - Mainland"
is01/a01 - "Ghost City/City of Abominations"
is02/a02 - "Secret Passage"
is03/a03 - "Silk Cave"
is04/a04 - "Earth Cave"
is05/a05 - "Firecrag Grotto"
is06/a06 - "Den of Rabid Wolves
is07/a07 - "Cave of the Vicious"
is08/a08 - "Hall of Deception"
is09/a09 - "Gate of Delirium"
is10/a10 - "Secret Frostcover Grounds"
is11/a11 - "Valley of Disaster"
is12/a12 - "Jungle/Forest Ruins"
is13/a13 - "Cave of Sadistic Glee"
is14/a14 - "Wraithgate"
is15/a15 - "Hallucinatory Trench"
is16/a16 - "Eden"
is17/a17 - "Brimstone Pit"
is18/a18 - "Dragon Temple/Temple of the Dragon"
is19/a19 - "Nightscream Island"
is20/a20 - "Snake Isle"
is21/a21 - "Lothranis(Heaven)"
is22/a22 - "Momaganon(Hell)"
is23/a23 - "Seat of Torment"
is24/a24 - "Abaddon"
is25/a25 - "Warsong City (Former Misty City FB109)"
is26/a26 - "Palace of Nirvana (Former Residence/Hall of Blasphemy FB109)"
is27/a27 - "Lunar Glade (Former Crescent Valley)"
is28/a28 - "Valley of Reciprocity (Former Godless Valley)"
is29/a29 - "Frostcover City (Former Frostwalk)"
is31/a30 - "Twilight Temple (Former Holy Halls/Halls of Choice)
is32/a32 - "Cube of Fate"
is33/a33 - "Chrono City"
is34/a34 - "Perfect Chapel
is35/a35 - "Faction Base"
is37/a37 - "Morai"
is38/a38 - "Phoenix Valley"
is39/a39 - "Endless Universe"
is40/a40 - "Rat Lurk Pits - Blighted Chamber"
is41/a41 - "Advanced-Endless Universe"
is42/a42 - "PWI 2015 Cross Server Tournament Event (Wargod Gulch) Containing NW, TW, and SV(Tank Battle)"
is43/a43 - "Nation Wars Base-Camp Strategic Map"
is44/a44 - "Nation Wars - Capture the Flag Island"
is45/a45 - "Nation Wars - Bridge Battle"
is46/a46 - "Nation Wars - Crystal Contest"
is47/a47 - "Sunset Valley (Tank Battle)
is48/a48 - "Unyielding Hall/Shutter Palace (Clone of cube of fate map for farming Feral Soul Stars for Venos)"
is49/a49 - "Hidden Dragon Den"
is50/a50 - "Realm of Reflection"
is61/a61 - "Celestial Vale
is62/a62 - "Origination (Starter Map)"
is63/a63 - "Primal World"
is66/a66 - "Flowsilver Palace"
is67/a67 - "Undercurrent Hall"
is68/a68 - "Primal World - Story Mode"
is69/a69 - "Lightsail Cave"
is70/a70 - "Cube of Fate - Challenge Mode"
is71/a71 - "Dragon Conquest"
is72/a72 - "Heavenfall Temple Part1"
is73/a73 - "Heavenfall Temple Part2"
is74/a74 - "Heavenfall Temple Part3"
is75/a75 - "Heavenfall Temple Part4"
rand03/random03 - "Quicksand Maze"
rand04/random04 - "Advanced Quicksand Maze"
bg01/b01 - "TW Lvl 3 - PVP"
bg02/b02 - "TW Lvl 3 - PVE"
bg03/b03 - "TW Lvl 2 - PVP"
bg04/b04 - "TW Lvl 2 - PVE"
bg05/b05 - "TW Lvl 1 - PVP"
bg06/b06 - "TW Lvl 1 - PVE"
is76/a76 - "Uncharted Paradise"
is77/a77 - "Tournament Champion Arenas"
is78/a78 - "Neverfall Map - Perfect World - Western Continent"
is79/a79 - "Snowchill Ruins (PWI Snow-Themed PVP Arena)
is80/a80 - "Homestead"
is81/a81 - "Homestead 2"
is82/a82 - "Homestead 3"
is83/a83 - "Homestead 4"
is84/a84 - "Resource Battle"
is85/a85 - "Nemesis Gauntlet" (Strange PWI Event with buffed famous bosses from previous dungeons, inside Lunar Valley copy map)
is86/a86 - "Dawnlight Halls"
is87/a87 - "Mirage Lake (Arigora Colosseum Arena 1)"
is88/a88 - "Rosesand Ruins (Arigora Colosseum Arena 2)"
is89/a89 - "Nightmare Woods (Arigora Colosseum Arena 3)"
is90/a90 - "Great Advisor's Sanctum"
is91/a91 - "Adventure Kingdom"
is92/a92 - "Neverfall Continent - Story Mode Chapel"
is93/a93 - "Crazy Tank Battle Showroom"
is94/a94 - "Cross server-Dragon Wilderness"
is95/a95 - "Icebound Underworld"
is96/a96 - "Cross Server -Crazy Tank Battle"
is97/a97 - "Twilight Temple Remastered/Revamp/Revistited"
is98/a98 - "New Faction Base of the 4 Seasons"
is99/a99 - "Moonlight Courtyard (Valentine Event)"


'문서' 카테고리의 다른 글

Arcane Sky Boundary 변경 (Shifting SkyX)  (0) 2021.01.19
렙 제한 변경하기  (0) 2021.01.09
케릭터 삭제 스킬  (0) 2021.01.09
정령 150 만렙 (150/150)  (0) 2021.01.09
Title Data (타이틀 변경)  (0) 2021.01.09




[Gravel Blade] [Glowing Blade 파존검]


'문서' 카테고리의 다른 글

렙 제한 변경하기  (0) 2021.01.09
Map ID Perfect World 1.1.6 to 1.6.0  (0) 2021.01.09
정령 150 만렙 (150/150)  (0) 2021.01.09
Title Data (타이틀 변경)  (0) 2021.01.09
Meridian 풀 옵션  (0) 2021.01.09

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